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Prescription for being well: The active state of having a personal strategy to balance.

If you aren’t feeling entirely well, the odds are you need a diagnosis?

Maybe your life even depends on it.

Or, if you already received one, chances are you are going to need a good sleep, first.

Then you can figure out the rest (pun intended) in terms of how you are going to manage said pain or treatment plan, depending on the severity, shock and immediate need to get into a better state of being well.

BUT! You really don’t have to have a diagnosis to motivate you to getting into a healthy state of well-being. What you need is an equilibrium strategy and mini step-TO-step personal plan.

As we all know - prevention is better than cure.

To start you have to believe that being well is firstly IMPORTANT.

It’s not something you will do on holiday, next year, later in the month or just put on the back burner in the hope it will get better if you ignore it.

Being well takes time.

Being well takes preparation, commitment and most of all consistency.

Being well takes strategy…

So in deciding what that strategy is… let’s get a reality check with what we are dealing with. A well-being check, if you will.

Being in a good state of health invariably requires us being in a state of equilibrium. We all know the work life balance conundrum and the ever dream of striking that balance… but how?

What if achieving the balance is an active state, rather than a passive one, that we miraculously just expect to happen while taking a nap on the couch.

Think of a hive of bees - to make honey you need a healthy swarm. That means every little worker bee has their task in the hive to making it work, of managing its equilibrium. Each bee is ultimately making sure the hive is functioning well - whether they are building comb, out in search of pollen or taking care of the queen. (The same applies to all the cells and organs in your body by the way... everything has a function.)

Everything is active, every day. As is anything in nature - it’s survival of the fittest! The same applies to you.

Like we work to achieve success professionally, we need to reconsider how we re-frame our well-being. It takes work to be well.

A six pack does not happen, as if by magic.

Neither does healing. Neither does your health.

To start, asses yourself based on the way you feel and break it down simply into what it is to be, live and work well for you personally.

Start with health: mental, emotional, physical and financial. Consider your sleep patterns, your nutrition, your creativity.

On a scale of 1 -10 rank where you are and where you would like to be and then make a decision to change one small thing this next week, that you can do every day to improve your feeling. Don't try and improve everything at once. The key is one step-TO-step.

It could be an extra hour of sleep, by going to bed early and reducing the time on your phone. It could be preparing breakfast the night before to make sure you eat, so you don’t create (more) stress if you don’t or that by doing that one small thing, will allow you TO do 15 mins of press-ups for that six pack in the morning. It could be taking the time TO acknowledge you simply need help.

Think of a hive of bees - to make honey you need a healthy swarm. That means every little worker bee has their task in the hive to making it work, of managing its equilibrium. Each bee is ultimately making sure the hive is functioning well - whether they are building comb, out in search of pollen or taking care of the queen. (The same applies to all the cells and organs in your body by the way... everything has a function.)

Give your new strategy a name (maybe it’s something inspired by nature like the “HIVE”, whatever it is, make it motivational) and adopt it into your daily routine, like you would if your life depended on it.

If you need some inspiration think of a shark - they need TO move forward all day to stay in balance and be in equilibrium.

Most importantly write your strategy down and keep it visible. Track your progress every day. If you don’t make any progress, relax, pick it up again tomorrow until it becomes a habit, until it becomes flow and you move forward - like that shark.

Active well-being will show results when you are committed TO doing better and feeling well. This will motivate you to continue, even on the off days. You will find ways to live better, because it feels better. We need to work on our being well to improve the quality of our lives.

To achieve a sense of happiness, fulfilment and accomplishment we need to know what we want in order to get there. Visualise it, feel it, dream it, do it.

Prescribe yourself your own strategy and take action in your equilibrium.

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